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How can we make Combination Wrenches, Double Open-End Wrenches and Double Ring Offset Wrenches interesting? We have thought about it fa long time and found that it is not an easy thing to do. Sure, we could tell you that Shih Yeong Industry Corp was founded in 1978 in Taichung, Taiwan and that we specialize in Wrenches of all kinds, including specially tailored designs four customers. But how special is that? We could talk about the quality of our products and how satisfied our worldwide client base is with them, but you would probably say that every supplier says that. We have even thought about mentioning that we have built our own brand, OULEE, since 1998, into a reputable one which promises to deliver above your expectations of quality and design. However, we didn’t want to bore you with that either. Even the fact that we received ISO 9001 approval in 2000 and that all our wrenches conform to ANSI, DIN and JIS standards didn’t really sound exciting enough. Of course, we did wonder whether we should do like everybody else and talk about our company’s focus on innovation by combining the skills of our designers with those of craftsmen, but you wouldn’t really believe us, would you? In fact, we have given up on trying to make wrenches sound exciting and have decided that if anyone was going to convince you about our wrenches, it would be the wrench itself. So, no more words, give our product a try and we’ll do the talking later. 世瀅工業股份有限公司 創立於民國 67 年,主要從事手工具;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『品質信譽』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。
本會為一世界性組織,於165國設立「世界和平婦女聯合會」。本會於民國81年在內政部立案,92年更名為「世界和平婦女會台灣總會」,係一國際性婦女團體。83年獲衛生署表揚為「推廣防治愛滋績優社團」;84年獲教育部表揚為「社會教育有功團體」;85年獲北市衛生局表揚為「推動婦女健康服務活動績效優良獎」;85年獲內政部表揚為「優良全國性人民團體」。88年台北市立圖書館聘為「終身學習協辦單位」。 2009年本會受續聘為聯合國非政府組織經濟暨社會委員會諮詢委員 NGO in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations 推展重點:1.致力國際交流工作,促進世界和平。 2.協助婦女成長、提昇婦女的形象 3.重建家庭倫理(真愛教育—利他服務的精神)。 4.樹立青少年正確價值觀;推動人格教育、兩性教育及愛滋毒品防治宣導活動。
C&J was established in 1985 which is one of the best manufacturers for electronic components. We insist to do the right thing and do the thing correct. To set up the goal for the company, make the most economical investment, sufficient management and that would lead to more favorable output. We believe that to follow these policies is the energy to make great progress. We make sure all operations are completed in house to meet OEM and ODM requirements. And we are able to offer whole package service. In addition, our well-equipped laboratory helps us assure quality and process controls are performed properly. Design-to-Order. Products can be modified( or designed) by customer request. As current age, lots of products fullfilled market. Many companies will need more speed on new product design. Then Cenlink can offer Design-to-Order for these customers. Help all our customers, speeding their new product design.
綠康元本著“綠色及健康是未來生活的元始”(Primary of Green and Healthy)的生活理念,希望為普羅大眾開發環保健康的綠色材料。 安居台北位於台北市新生南路一段157巷10號,擁有48間房間的service appartment,每間房間皆備有廚房設備。設施有健身房、會議室、工商中心、投幣式自助洗衣房,提供早餐之服務。
香港中南集團成立於1935年,75年來持續穩定發展,觸角廣及精鑄、傢俱、電子多種產業。中南創發集團(中南集團附屬公司)台北公司於2010年11月成立,目前銷售自行研發生產之觸控模組、保護玻璃、PVD專業鍍膜、筆記型電腦以及手機相關金屬零件等。 公司潛力無窮,期望有志菁英青年加入我們的團隊。 Chung Nam Group of companies is based in Hong Kong, tracing its origin back to over 75 years ago. The late Mr. and Mrs. CHONG Ching Um founded the group in 1935, engaging in export, manufacturing, and trading in the Southeast Asian markets. Towards 2000, in-house research and development resulted in a breakthrough with different patents being filed. The group gradually became diversified through acquisitions and establishing new joint ventures. CN Innovations Group (subsidiaries of Chung Nam Group) is headquartered in Hong Kong and employs over 10,000 people all over the world. The group has a focused structure operating with two platforms: (1) technology and manufacturing, and (2) distribution and retailing.
We, Action Racing Technology Co. Ltd., Are one of the leading trading companies that provides accessories for all types of cars and, also racing accessories.Our products includes mufflers, steering wheels, racing seats, gearshifts, tachometers, headlights,pedal pads, oil caps, and exhaust pipes in Taiwan. Moreover, we are also a market/customer focused company, we emphasize in customer service and market research to deliver high quality service to our customers.We offer you the best prices, low and reasonable. ART not only provides you accessories for automobiles, we can also look out for all kinds of products you need.We wish to generate new Business opportunities and value by strategic alliance to launch innovative products. If you can not find what you have been looking for, do not hesitate, It will be a pleasure to have opportunities to cooperate with you .If you would like to know further information about us, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail [email protected] We will be looking forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Action Racing Technology Co.Ltd.
劉氏兒童發展中心/中華學習障礙協會 劉氏兒童發展中心LIU Institute of Child Development是一個正快速成長的教育顧問機構,為兒童提供個別化視聽動(VAS)學習能力提升的訓練。專為學習能力不足,資優,自閉症或行為違常的孩童進行能力的診測與訓練,LIU是全世界最大的私人特殊教育機構之一,分別在臺灣、美國和中國等地有21個據點。 自劉弘白博士在 1979 年創立LIU以來,LIU 28年來始終堅持以品質 – 孩子具體、可衡量的進步 – 作為其核心價值,期望與最優秀的教育人才共同發揮社會責任感,為需要幫助的孩童努力。堅持永續發展教學理論及實踐基礎的劉氏是一個快速發展中的教育機構,在事業進階及員工成長上富有顯著的機會。
劉氏兒童發展中心/中華學習障礙協會 劉氏兒童發展中心LIU Institute of Child Development是一個正快速成長的教育顧問機構,為兒童提供個別化視聽動(VAS)學習能力提升的訓練。專為學習能力不足,資優,自閉症或行為違常的孩童進行能力的診測與訓練,LIU是全世界最大的私人特殊教育機構之一,分別在臺灣、美國和中國等地有21個據點。 自劉弘白博士在 1979 年創立LIU以來,LIU 28年來始終堅持以品質 – 孩子具體、可衡量的進步 – 作為其核心價值,期望與最優秀的教育人才共同發揮社會責任感,為需要幫助的孩童努力。堅持永續發展教學理論及實踐基礎的劉氏是一個快速發展中的教育機構,在事業進階及員工成長上富有顯著的機會。 工作內容: 我們在尋找一群積極並渴望學習、成功的專業教師,不但致力於個人的專業發展且能貢獻於LIU教育的成長。我們對師資提供完整的訓練,讓其具備下列能力: ◎利用已臨床證明、完整的教學技術,針對特殊(學習能力不足/資優)兒童大腦學習能力的發展及學科學習做個別化的訓練。同時在視聽動(VAS)理論基礎上,提供教師設計多元指導技巧的平台。 ◎設計個別的訓練計畫並針對孩童的能力準備教材及教學內容,以達到約在 4-6個月內提升學生學習能力的目標。 ◎執行學童學習能力評估及訪查客戶的環境背景等資料。 ◎經營與父母/客戶間的專業互動,經由電話及訓練課程後與家長的面對面溝通
中華民國土木技師公會全國聯合會(全聯會)係由台灣省土木技師公會、台北市土木技師公會、高雄市土木技師公會及台北縣土木技師公會等四個地方公會為會員所組成,於民國1992年元月成立,由會員代表大會,選出二十一位理事及理事長、七位監事及常務監事,理監事會視事會務,每屆任期三年。迄今已第六屆,由余烈技師(註冊工程師)擔任理事長。 於理監事會下設立有公共關係委員會、工程技術委員會、服務委員會、永續發展委員會、國際及學術交流委員會、災害防救委員會、法益委員會、財務委員會及諮議委員會等計九個委員會,由地方公會推薦優秀幹部擔任各委員會委員,依各委員會組織章則進行會務運作。本會設有秘書長及會務人員多位,從事經常性事務工作,提供會員、工程界及社會各界服務。 中華民國土木技師公會全國聯合會 CHINESE UNION OF PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION 地址: (105)台北市東興路26號9樓 Address: 9th Fl.,26,Tung-hsing Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan 105, Republic of China http://www.cupcea.org.tw/ E -Mail : cupcea@tpce. org. tw TEL: (02) 2748-1699 FAX: (02) 2748-1038
創立於民國四十二年,至今為全國最大及歷史最優久之海事檢定公司。總公司位於台北市,設分公司於高雄、台中、基隆及上海。公司工作團隊成員含船長、造船工程師、輪機長、航運管理專才及法務人員。經常接受國內外產物或責任險保險組織、船東、貨主及進出商之委託,就各類意外事件、貨損或航業營運上之爭議進行調查、勘定及提供專業報告及意見,供委託人參考。並協助委託人解決各類船運上之問題。 Established in 1953, we have committed to providing with surveying techniques for a variety of maritime industries. Our team of a vast maritime expertise, including Master Mariners, Engineers, Marine Architects and Marine Cargo Specials, is well recognized by the industries as the best choice to all kinds of requirements. From large marine casualty to cargo problem in general, it has never been a doubt that our service is indispensable. Inevitably, in half of a century, we have been enjoying the reputation of the most influential, not only around the island, but also the world-wide.
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